Application 2022

We are accepting applications for the 18th conference on application of modern psychometric and statistical methods in cognitive aging research. We are planning an in-person conference at Granlibakken Conference Center at Tahoe City, CA for May 31-June 5, 2022, with a virtual workgroup report and wrap-up session on October 7, 2022. We will carefully monitor the COVID-19 situation to assure that an in-person meeting will be safe. If COVID conditions preclude an in person meeting the conference will be virtual, following the format used in 2021. A preliminary schedule has been posted.

The didactic parts of this conference will be available online to anyone interested in attending. Workgroups will be in-person and limited in size, and there is a competitive application process for selection of workgroup participants. Applications are encouraged from all levels (graduate students, post-docs, junior faculty, mid and senior faculty). Expertise in psychometrics, statistics, or other quantitative sciences is not a prerequisite, but we do look for a commitment to cognitive aging research. Diversity in topical and methodological expertise of participants will be emphasized so that the conference promotes learning for all participants. We are particularly interested in individuals from different experience levels and scientific backgrounds who will learn new skills that will be incorporated into their future research.

There will be no charge for either the didactic or workgroup parts of this conference, but all participants will be required to register online.

The deadline for submitting applications to participate in workgroups is Monday, March 7, 2022. Notification of acceptance will occur by Thursday, March 31, 2022.

To submit an application to attend the 2022 meeting:

1) Complete the Survey Monkey application form at:

2) Email a pdf format version of your current CV or NIH bio to, making the title of the email “Psychometrics Application CV”. Clicking the following link will open a preformatted email in your email client; you can attach your CV and send (if this link doesn’t work send an email with your CV attached as described).
Submit CV

If you have questions about the application process please contact Dan Mungas (, or any member of the Organizing Committee.